My friend
Kaja tagged me to do this "what's in my bag" post. So, here's my current situation. :D
Note: I usually take those books with me when going for a trip or somewhere away from home.
And also two things that are missing: my phone - I use it as my camera & my wallet - I don't like it, I need to buy a new one and sometimes I just prefer throwing my money in my bag over using that childish wallet.
1. My current favourite bag. / Vintage
2. Master Key System and The Secret, two books that I adore.
3. Random rings that I like to throw in my bag, just in case. / H&M
4. My notebook, I need it for personal stuff.
5. My silver make up bag with all the goodies.
6. My current favourite sunglasses. / H&M
7. Black pen.
8. Pink sack with bobby pins.
8. Phone earphones.
9. Apartment keys.
10. Current nailpolish, for "just in case" situations. / Essence - Mellow Yellow
11. My perfume. / Luciano Soprani - Flirtissimo
I tag anyone that wants to do it, though I know this was done a while ago. But still... :)