
DIY: Fringed Top

A very simple DIY I did a while ago. I got my hands on this top, that my brother didn't seem to wear anymore. It looked interesting itself, but it needed to get even better, so I did this.

I first cut the sleeves off a bit, then the collar line and the bottom of the top. Then I started cutting the fabric to about 1cm wide fringes. It takes a while, but it's not a big deal. When I finished cutting it, I pulled on each one to make them look more loose and natural and if you want to you can also shorten them up by lenght, because they can seem pretty long (just try it on while you're altering it).


Ela said...

Huda! Hlače so mi noro všeč :)

Mancina said...

ni kj. pač znaš. in to iz ene navadne majce! lajk! =)*

Maja said...

very nice, ful všeč! :)

cvetka said...

noro dobr je izpadl!

Mushei said...

ful dobr si nardila! :)

Ana / Fashionfly said...

Aaa keri spomini na otroštvo, smo mel še ene kamenčke/obeske gor :) drugač pa top! :)

Eva said...

Hudooo! :)
Tvoji DIYi so najboljši, resno <3

rudegirlnina said...

Hvala vam vsem! :) <3

@Ana: Haha, jajaja se spomnim, jst se pa najbolj sveže spominjam enih od Titanika. :D
@Eva: Oh, hvala, ne vem niti kaj naj rečem. <3

Divine Kid said...

Love this!!!! Did it myself, it is so easy and so nice!

Unknown said...

Nevem, ce se kdo od vas se spomni ampak ko sem bila se mala, kaksnih 15 let nazaj so bile taksne majice ful popularne in prav spomnnem se da mi je mami naredila eno taksno majico ;) Zanimivo kako se res vedno trendi vracajo..

rudegirlnina said...

Yes, it's a veeeeery simple DIY and it looks great! :)) Thank you!

rudegirlnina said...

Ja, se spomnim, ko smo vsi meli te majice. :D Hahahaha. Res je, vedno se vračajo. :)

Slađi said...

Ooo full je hudo ispadlo! Se spomnim tega 'trenda' ko sem bila manjsa.. Razrezala sem skoraj vse svoje T-shirte po vrsti :)
P.S. Na mojem blogu sem ti napisala tudi, da za cevlje podobne mojim (po placi:) preveri se v Daichmannu in Jello.. full podobne in precej cenejse!!

Unknown said...

Hi love,

thank you so much for your lovely comment!

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Kisses Julia

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rudegirlnina said...

Najlepša ti hvala, res bi jih rada mela in sem sicer glih pomislila na Deichmann, sej zdej se za take določene kose skor ne splača preveč denarja dat, ker jih maš mogoče samo eno sezono, so mi pa res hudi. Hvala! :)) Pa hvala za komentar na majčko! :D

rudegirlnina said...

I'm actually following you, hehe. :D Thanks! :)