
My first blog. My first post. :)

I think there's nothing more to say than just a simple cliche: I love fashion!
And after months of thinking about getting a blog, first starting with chictopia, I think that now the time has come & let's just post our soul out! :)
I hope you'll enjoy my style and my outfits! Let's get it started!

So, my first outfit: Tally Weijl leather like pants, H&M tank top, H&M leopard flats & black beret which I bought on a fair. :)

I hope you all like it! See you soon with another post!


anja said...

iii prvi komentar :))
me veseli, da nas je vedno več slovenskih blogger k! ;)

rudegirlnina said...

hvala za tvoj komentar!! :))
tudi mene veseli, naj s takimi stvarmi vsaj malo poživimo modno sceno naše državice! :))

pika said...


waw, tale outfit pa je super!!!

sm vidla da si postala spremljevalka mojga bloga! hvala! in tut jst bom spremljala tvoje poste :) zaenkrat zgleda super!

Take care<3

