
American flag shorts.

Heres's what I've been doing yesterday. I took an old pair of some "above the knee" jeans. I cut them. I painted them. And here's the finished product. DIY American flag shorts. I still have to iron them, but they're pretty much done. 
Best thing: they didn't cost me a cent, but their value is priceless.


Creepy and kooky.

 Two headed lovely find from my brother's closet. It belonged to my father, now it's apparently my brothers and mine for the day.

Top: Vintage / Leggings: H&M / Socks: H&M / Shoes: H&M / Glasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs / Bracelets: New Yorker / Nailpolish: Essence Mellow Yellow


Venetian skies.

Yesterday I went to Venice for the first time in my life. It's a shame I haven't done it before, since we live quite "nearby". But it doesn't matter. It was wonderful and the city really has that magical sense to it. I'll definitely return someday.

The day was warm and sunny, so it was perfect. There was a lot of people though, a shitload, but what can you do, it is Saturday, so that's kinda normal, as well, Venice is said to be one of the most visited cities in the world, makes sense. I bought myself a mask, that "elephant nose" one, I thought it was extraordinary since I saw it in that movie Eyes Wide Shut. The orgy part. :D

So, yeah...my outfit was a bit casual/comfy, I don't have the whole photo unfortunately. I just wore that polka dot shirt, black hareem high waisted trousers, white shoes from H&M and some accessories. And yeah, I just had to take that typical "blogger finds the Louis Vuitton boutique" photo, I was dying in front of it. :P *sarcasm*
I'm kidding. With all the respects to Mr. Vuitton. I will be able to spend money in your shop someday. ;)

Top: H&M / Pants: New Yorker / Bag: Vintage / Shoes: H&M / Sunglasses: H&M / Necklace: From India / Ring: Mum's / Nailpolish: Essence Mellow Yellow


Inside my bag.

My friend Kaja tagged me to do this "what's in my bag" post. So, here's my current situation. :D

Note: I usually take those books with me when going for a trip or somewhere away from home.
And also two things that are missing: my phone - I use it as my camera & my wallet - I don't like it, I need to buy a new one and sometimes I just prefer throwing my money in my bag over using that childish wallet.

1. My current favourite bag. / Vintage
2. Master Key System and The Secret, two books that I adore.
3. Random rings that I like to throw in my bag, just in case. / H&M
4. My notebook, I need it for personal stuff.
5. My silver make up bag with all the goodies.
6. My current favourite sunglasses. / H&M
7. Black pen.
8.  Pink sack with bobby pins.
8. Phone earphones.
9. Apartment keys.
10. Current nailpolish, for "just in case" situations. / Essence - Mellow Yellow
11. My perfume. / Luciano Soprani - Flirtissimo

I tag anyone that wants to do it, though I know this was done a while ago. But still... :)


Vintage zebra.

Sorry for my disappearance, but my internet connection wasn't working until today.
Yesterday I was having lunch at my grandma's and found another retro goodie. This zebra pattern sweater with two small pockets in the front. A total moment of bliss.

Sweater: Vintage / Tights: Random / Lipstick: Rimmel / Ring: Gift / Nailpolish: Essence (You Belong To Me)


Where the heart moves the stones.

That little cross on my finger, it's not a real tattoo, but as I am dying to get one since I was 18, I think I just can't wait any longer. 
I really like this simple design, no matter how random it is and I am seriously considering getting it tattooed. It's really small, so it's perfect for a first timer like me. Also, I've been drawing it on my finger for the past week and I got so used to it, I really like it. Every time I have to wash it off, my hands look just so plain and boring. I think it's a decision made!

Top: Vintage / Skirt: New Yorker / Necklace: Gift / Ring: DIY (old brooch) / Bag: Vintage / Sunglasses: H&M


One plus one equals two.

Today I wore milkmaid braids (still do), I've been inspired by this post. 
I went out with my mum and the dog before and when we were returning down to the valley there was a cloud of fog above it and all the green hills were sticking out, it looked like whipped cream. I wish I had a camera. :)
P.S. I can't describe how much I love Beyonce's song 1+1. It fits my mood perfectly.

Top: Bershka / Leggings: H&M / Shoes: Brother's / Necklaces: Gift / Bag: Vintage


You know I'm no good.

I had to cut off my nails, because they started breaking one after another, so I guess I'll have to rock them short for awhile, but I'll at least rock them in style. Boho inspired black & white design. It kinda looks like illuminati as well, with all those eyes inside the pyramides. :P

Otherwise, I'm having a lazy Saturday, listening to Amy Winehouse and thinking about the upcoming fall, I don't think I've ever been so excited about it. Who knew. :)

Shirt: Vintage / Tube Bra: Stradivarius / Skinny Jeans: Playlife / Belt: Vintage / Sunglasses: H&M / Rings: Vintage & Sariko



Today I could smell fall in the air for the first time this year. :) The only thing I don't like is the days getting shorter.

The weekend was nice. I got drunk with my friends on Friday. Yesterday I spent my day in front of the TV, wrapped up in covers, feeling sorry for myself and eating greasy food so my stomach would feel better. Now I'm thinking a lovely dinner and a movie. :)
Top: Vintage / Leggings: eBay / Bag: Vintage / Ring: Sariko / Sunglasses: H&M


Vintage shopping at grandmama's.

Today I found this vintage bag at my grandma's. Ohhhh, love it. It was on my list for a while and now I don't have to buy it. :P I can save money for other stuff.
Top: H&M / Maxi skirt: Vintage / Bag: Vintage / Sunglasses: H&M / Ring: Sariko / Nails: AVON Perfectly Flesh & Alessandro Black Drawing Pencil


Dot dot dot.

I made this polka dot dress out of a sarong, that I wore to the beach this year. One day I got an idea and tried it out. I like the kinda "pin up meets Amy Winehouse" vibe. I've also put a black tube skirt underneath it, because otherwise it's a bit see through. :D

Jacket: Vintage / Dress: Random Sarong / Skirt: New Yorker / Belt: Vintage / Shoes: H&M


Dog days are over.

Someone felt like blogging. ;)

Top: New Yorker / Shorts: Vintage / Shoes: H&M / Bag: Vintage / Necklace: Vintage / Rings: H&M & Sariko / Sunglasses: H&M / Nailpolish: both from Essence


R.I.P. Amy Winehouse

I couldn't believe my eyes, when my cousin wrote to me two hours ago and told me that Amy Winehouse passed away today. I was just listening to her cover of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. The news made me feel like I was in 60's or 70's for an instance. I just couldn't believe it.
This makes me really sad, she was one of my favourite singers and I am still in shock. So young and so talented, but yes, unfortunately her addiction was stronger than that. What a waste, god damn it. All the good ones go because of drugs. :(

Rest in peace Amy, you will be missed. <3


Iz srca.

Evo me...nazaj sem z morja. In sem se odločla napisat eno objavo v slovenščini. Enkrat se bom nehala spraševat kaj je OK, kaj ni, a bi mogla tko al drugače. Jebeš. Danes me ne briga.

Torej...zdej, ko me ni blo en teden in sem bla na morju nekje na samem, brez elektrike, telefonov, še tapravega tuša ni blo...skratka - nič, pa useeno zadosti, da preživiš...sem se po zelo ZELO dolgem času sklopila...dobesedno. In končno malo zadihala. To se mi že zelo dolgo ni zgodilo in moram rečt, da ne vem a se tako počutim samo v tem momentu, ampak vem, da se in sem vesela, da je tako. Kot da bi zagnala cel sistem spet od začetka. Morje kot morje je blo enkratno, meli smo se super in sem prav vesela, da sem šla, ampak ne samo za žur, tut zato, ker sem se v tem kratkem tednu, na tem nepomembnem kraju za moment spet našla. Pa sploh ni, da je bilo moje počutje non stop na vrhuncu, je kar dosti nihalo. Ampak tako kot se počutim zdaj, to je neopisljivo.

V teh dneh sem malo premišljala določene stvari in v sebi doživljala razno; bila sem jezna, vesela, razpizdena, sitna, žalostna, prestrašena in nakoncu presrečna...in vse to samo zato, ker sem se enkrat po 100 letih odločila, da bom spustila iz glave vse te bedne misli, ki mi grejo vsak dan na tisoče krat po glavi in začela malo bolj lahkotno gledat na stvari...in mi je to nakoncu tudi uspelo. Mogoče, ker tam ni računalnika, telefona, pa družine in obveznosti in imaš časa res na pretek....in ne, ne sovražim zdaj vsega tega naštetega, ampak...zaveš se kako zamujaš samega sebe, ker se preveč obremenjuješ z manj pomembnim. Bedna sem se si zdela. S čim se ponavadi ukvarjam...saj morda se jutri zbudim in bo spet vse isto. Ampak, če bi bila še naprej taka kot sem v tem momentu, bi bilo moje življenje v prihodnje dosti lažje. In lepše. Trenutno vem kaj mi je pomembno in kaj hočem...kaj hočem zdaj, jutri, mogoče celo čez pet let, ne rabim seznamčkov, opomnikov. Boli me kurac. Kot da mi je to kdaj pomagalo. Tako lepo se že dolgo nisem počutila, v sebi čutim zanemarljivo količino strahu, nimam potrebe po sarkazmu, po depresiji. Ta nepomemben moment je daleč najlepši moment v zadnjih par letih. Čutim se kakšna sem v resnici.

In kaj bom zdaj? Ne vem. Bom vidla. Mogoče si res še premislim. Trenutno vem, da kar se starih navad tiče...rada bi še naprej pisala ta blog. Preden sem šla na morje sem ga hotela zbrisat in celo naredit novega. In sem ga ubistvu tudi naredila. Trenutno nisem imela namena komu povedat za to. Ampak v resnici sploh nisem bla prepričana, če naj ga usposobim ali ne. In zdaj, ko sem prišla domov in pogledala na to bedno stran in prebrala teh par komentarjev...sem si v momentu premislila. Mogoče sem res človek, ki ga par pozitivnih, s to temo popolnoma nepovezanih mnenj, z lahkoto spreobrne, ampak ko sem temu prištela še nekaj prisrčnih sporočilc tako imenovanih "tihih spremljevalcev" - se mi je zazdelo, da ga je škoda. Saj mu ubistvu čisto nič ne fali, samo jaz sem se malo prenajedla vsega. Od objavljanja, pa do tistega občutka po potrebi po komentiranju, da bodo ljudje vedeli, da mi je njihov blog všeč. Čisto rada imam vse bloge, ki jih spremljam, ampak, včasih se ti pač ne da komentirat. Priznam, presrečna sem kadar tudi sama dobim lepe komentarčke pod objavo, ampak ni mi všeč, da počasi vse skupaj zgleda že skoraj "komentar za komentar". Jaz nočem odvračat ljudi, jaz hočem, da bi jim bil moj blog všeč. Brezpogojno. Sicer pa...malo bom spremenila layout, ker sem se ga naveličala. Ko sem naredila ta blog, sem si prisegla, da moj pa ne bo minimalistično bel s ČB headerjem, ker so taki vsi. Kurac. Zdaj mi je pa všeč. Bela stran s tisto staro računalniško Courier pisavo. Mika me. Ne vem še glede headerja, ampak saj smo umetniki v familji, bom že kaj spackala skupaj, kar mi bo všeč. Mogoče si vzamem tudi malo pavze, samo da bom potem začela z večjim veseljem. Kar se pa objav tiče...po starem. Vse ostalo je lahko ena velika kopija, ampak tega dela pa ni moč spremenit, tu človek pusti pečat in tu izgine vsaka podobnost. Vse kar napišem je napisano iz srca in bo tako tudi ostalo. 
Evo...cela reč. Ne, moj blog ni moje življenje, je pa en zanimiv del in kdaj rada malo dramatiziram. Pa še ponosna sem, da sem končno prvič objavila enega od teh mojih romanov, ki jih večkrat spišem in potem vedno zbrišem. 

P.S. Nikomur ni treba komentirat, se pa iskreno zahvaljujem vsakemu, ki je to prebral do zadnje pike.


You'll never forget your first.

Guess what? I decided to do that blog award post. Finally! :D After, what, two months? Oh boy, oh boy. Sorry, it's just that when I have to write about stuff like "write ten random facts about yourself", I will always think about it for years, before actually writing it down.

So, I got it from lovely Nuša, who unfortunately doesn't run her blog anymore at the moment. Anyway, thank you so much! :) This is my first blog award ever. The rules are:
- write 10 facts about yourself,
- pass the award to another 10 bloggers.

Note: I didn't really like the award design, it didn't fit my blog, so I did this one for me, that you can see below. But here is the original one, if you prefer that one. :)

10 random facts about me:
1. I prefer salty over sweet and if I'm not having my period, then I'll always pick a bowl of spaghetti alla puttanesca over a piece of cake.

2. I have OCD. I count subtitles, I count if things are odd or even, I check every glass or fork before using it, when I hang my laundry I put the same color of clips on each piece, I sometimes think that if I wore a certain bra and had luck, then I must wear it again. I have a lot of obsessive thoughts. I actually realized that I have OCD only a year ago.

3. I swear quite a lot, but I couldn't possibly imagine myself not doing it. It's just a part of my character. Yes, I still have manners.

4. I really want to live in another country. Somewhere by the sea. Fuck Paris.

5. It's really difficult for me to fall in love and I sometimes almost feel like a man. Until I do fall in love. Then I become such a different version of myself, it's just funny. I do love love.

6. My favourite couple ever are Morticia and Gomez Addams. Yes, they are fictional, but hell yeah, if I had a love like theirs I would be happy for the rest of my life. Idols.

7. I sometimes feel like I have 10 different women trapped inside me. In general I am not the worrying kind, I'm spontaneous, happy, relaxed and at the same time I do what I have to do, but then here we have the OCD person, the obsessive one, the one that doesn't give a fuck, the worrying one...it gets so crazy sometimes. I blame it on my Venus in Gemini.

8. I am very ambitious, but I rather keep it to myself. People are way too negative and envious and the moment you say the word "ambition", you're suddenly a bad person, only craving money and success.

9. I sometimes worry of how I come across to people, I don't know why. I always want to prove to people, that I'm not a bad person and that I don't judge and I think sometimes it comes out wrong. At the same time I don't want to act common, just so people would like me. In the end it's better to change the audience, if they don't like you for who you are.

10. What more can I say. I'm hard to explain and there's so much more to me. But through experience I think I'm one of those people where you only have two options: love it or leave it.

10 people I nominate:
Anita from Life. Style.Fun.
Saša from Duckalicious
Eva Ana from All Around Eve
Laura from That's So Yesterday
Alja from Ljubeznice 
Špela from Fashion Junkie
Ana from Fashion Fly
Ela from F-BLOG

The nominees' names are randomly put and it wasn't my intention to hurt anyone by not putting them on the list, there are so many blogs that I love and I'll nominate them next time. :)


Luck be a lady tonight.

Long time no see. :) Alright, I'm making an outfit post today, but first I really have to tell you this - I just won my first giveaway!!!! :) I am so happy!

 I won a pair of these beautiful VINTAGE earrings from Tesa of a blog called Magnifique, one of my favourite Slovenian blogs, check it out here. I remember me entering that giveaway a few weeks ago thinking "Oh, those are just too gorgeous. It couldn't possibly be me." and then I randomly check my e-mails on Sunday and I see one saying "You're a winner of my giveaway." I just jumped out of the chair and started screaming like a crazy person. :D I've never won anything like this before and I can't wait to get those and style them with my outfits. Thank you so much Tesa! :)

As for the outfit...this is what I wore yesterday. There was this party at the "Beach" in Nova Gorica. In the summer they make this beach themed thing in the middle of the city, they make stuff like a little "Tiki" themed bar on the sand floor, different stands with food and beverages and there is a different programme every day. Yesterday it was a concert, we also went there two days ago to dance* Zumba. :D (*We were actually rather sipping on an ice cold beer.) Yesterday was pretty cool and I wore heels after a really loooong time and realized I should do it more often. :D

Pics taken by my friend Kaja. :)

I was wearing: H&M striped top, Oviesse shiny leggings, Pittarello heels, New Yorker bag, H&M ring, random Indian store bracelet (actually a snake necklace), KIKO yellow nailpolish, & Laško beer. :P


Vacation OOTD Vol. 2

Uuuuh, the last day of June. :D Let's close the month with a new post, shall we? I just came home, I went to Piran again, this time with my mum, 3 days of sea, food, beer... :P I bought (mum bought me) this simple, but lovely dress there today, I'll take a picture.

Here are some more outfit pics from my last vacation, this was Sunday. We went for a drink and a toast to Cafe Teater. It was superb and those cocktails + toasts + sitting by the sea = it almost seemed like a day in the life of one of those famous bloggers, you know, sitting in some fab cafe, enjoying, eating, sipping on the cocktails, taking pictures with our Cano...ghm...phones, because we forgot the camera in the apartment. :P Later on we went back to watch Slovenia's Got Talent Final and we got a little bit drunk. Now that was a fabulous evening. ;)

And to finish with - I guess I'll just post these 2 photos from a rainy morning, when we really had nothing better to do. :D


Lady Gaga meets Sailor Moon.

I was wearing: H&amp;M sunglasses, hat, rings &amp; shoes, vintage belt AND my grandmother's dress that she usually wears to the beach. Hahaha, she always leaves it in Piran, so I secretly took it, because I was wondering how would it look on me. And how would it go with that belt. :D

Also - all the makeup done by ME. In case if you were wondering, yeah, I bet you did - that was ME. Moi. My work. ;)