Hey! :D Just a few days ago I was talking about how nice it is now, when the sun is shining. Of course, now it's raining... :)
Haha. OK, a bit of sarcasm, but in a way I don't care, at least not today. I have indoors stuff to do. Me and my mum will DIY some of my clothes. :P YEAH! So this includes transforming my regular jeans into skinny jeans, cutting the lower half of my open front cardigan (from this post), because I spilled some nail glue on the lower part of it and it ruined it & also she has tons of old clothes and we'll try to find some good pieces and DIY some of them, so I can wear them. I LOVE IT! I hope we can do as much as we can today (I'm so impatient). I'll show you later if we did anything good out of it. :D
Oh, since today I am not going anywhere, I won't do an OOTD post. I'll just show you some of the pictures I took when my cousin Sara (also in that post) was here some time ago, we went shopping and stuff and these were some of the things that I was trying on, I didn't buy any of it, but I really want to find something similar soon. Some random pics included.
Another thing. I just want to say this and I know it has been mentioned like a lot of times, but I have to say it myself too. People who come to my blog to paste their links under my posts and telling me to follow them, stop it! I won't follow you for you to follow me. I don't need you to follow me. I need people to follow me, because they want to, because they like my style, because they like my blog. I'll follow people that I WANT to read. I love having new followers, but the ones that READ ME, not just the number. Period.
Anyway, I'm sure even though I wrote this, there will be some of these in the comments area anyway, because those people don't read your post, they just paste the comment. Fuck them.
Sara with her new hairstyle. :P I love her overall style, she's great! :) |
"Nina?" No Sara, I'm not out there waiting. I'm too busy taking your pictures. |
The shirt is mine and it's from New Yorker. The skirt was from New Yorker too, I only tried it on. Need one of those. |
New Yorker dress. I am in love with leather!! Although, I didn't buy this one, because... |
...if I wave at someone, for an example, this happens. I don't want that. :D |
Oooooh, we love shopping! <3 Too bad we are broke right now. :P |
H&M dress. Loved it, but I didn't really like the lenght. Will try to find another one, if not we'll DIY one. :) |
I so regret not buying this top, on sale for 3€! I liked it sooo much, but I think I had no money left here. |
I peed a little in my panties while taking this picture here. Love the socks with the sandals. |
At home, chillin'. :D I am wearing New Yorker leopard top & New Yorker tracksuit. |
Pasta that I MADEEEEE!!!! :D I am very good at making pasta. ;) |
This will be it for today. :D See you another time with my (hopefully, already finished) DIY stuff. Loveeeeeeee. :*
O, lih sem danes jedla makarone s paradižnikovo omako, včeraj pa špagete, hah.
Pravi kulerki sta vidve s sestrično! :D
Ej, vedno mi je všeč tvoja frizura, leepa! (:
Ja, upam, da bojo kake fajne DIY zadeve nastale. Ziher.
Mir in ljubezen!
Jaz jih kdaj jem tut po 5x na teden, haha, ena najljubših jedi. :D Kaj češ, Primorci in naša pašta...
Hvala! :) Sara je res super, vedno je štosov, ko pride. Bom pokazala DIY-e, tut js upam da bodo uredu! :)
Krilo mi je všeč...a je dolg nazaj,ko si tole pomerjala? :)
Zmeraj ti hočem napisat da tok uživam ob branju tvojih postov! Res supr pisanje in razmišljanje (sploh del o copy-paste followers-ih mi je všeč). Spontane in luštne fotke. Hahaha sandali + štumfi! :P
Ful ti paše frizura! :D
Zdej, ko sem vidla te fotke bi si še jes privoščla en tak fini šoping :D
P.s.: Se že veselim DIY-ev! :))
Tretja fotka mi je ful dobra. Super pase krilo zraven majcke, skoda, da ga nisi nabavla.
Ful sta si podobni s sestricno, like sisters :)
Nina, hmm, je blo kr nekaj časa nazaj ja, samo ponavadi (usaj pri nas) majo kar dosti časa na zalogi. :)) Tko da mogoče bi pa še dobila...
Hehe, Ana hvala, da si mi povedala. Je zmeri lepo slišat iskreno mnenje, sploh tako. :)
Hvala Ela! :) Hehehe, pa dej! Še zame... :D Brez skrbi, bom kmalu objavla DIY-e! :D
Hvala Zala! Sej nameravam dobit kako podobno, ker je tut meni zelo všeč! Obsedena sem z usnjem... :D In hehe, očitno bo že res, ker nama dosti ljudi to reče! :)
Hvala vsem! XOXO
Look forward to seeing your D.I.Y's hun I'm sure you will make some thing cool, check out a website called cut out and keep they have a heap of good ones to try.
I love the fitting room photos, looks like you had a wicked time. I hate when you find great stuff and have no money to buy it, it sucks :( anyway the DIY sounds better. I'm going to be doing some as I'm so broke and bored right now.
Full mi je všeč dolga progasta obleka in usnjen minič. Pa oboje ti zelo paše, tako da kupi :P hehe!
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