Aaaaaaaaaah, the day has come! I AM OFFICIALLY 20!!! :D It's my birthdaaay!!!
A new decade before me, that I hope will be better than the past one, more joyful, loving & richer with everything possible!! :))
Though, I must admit that I don't know if I've realized it already. The number 1 is completely gone now. Forever! :D In a way it's a bit scary to think that now it's the time when you are old enough to start making something out of your life, building your future and start being more responsible, but it's really exciting at the same time. :D It was always said to be the best years. Crazy & productive. So, I am loving it! :P
I feel 20. B)
Otherwise, I would like to say thank you! Again! :) To all who follow my blog, who enjoy it. This is really an incredible experience, I've never thought I will meet so many nice, cool & friendly people through this, people that I could actually really be friends with in a real life. :)
Thank you for all your sweet comments, I always read every single one of them, even though I was really bad with responding in the past few weeks as I had to study a lot, but I promise to catch up on everything! :) Thank you again! I love you all! :*
And this is my homemade puffy cake that we'll enjoy later. :P
P.S. I passed my last exam today!! WOO HOO!!!!! :D I said I'll add this if I pass. LOL
Best day ever!!!! :))
Best day ever!!!! :))
Oooo vse najboljše young lady! Lepo praznuj <3
wuhuuu, vse najboljšeeee :) lepo praznuj <3
p.s. torta!!!yummy :P
happy birthday!!!
p.s. I'm getting the number 3 next year. how's that for scary? :D
Hvala vaaaam!!! :D:D <3
Hahaha, verjamem, da je številka 3 še bolj grozna, ja. :D No, bom vidla čez deset let, koliko me bo presralo. :P
Hehehehehe. :D :))
Veliko bloganja, šopingov, sreče, zdravja, ljubezni in vse najlepše! :)***
Dej, prnes mi en kos torteeee! :D
uhhuuu vseee najboljše bejba! =)
Hahaha, hvala Ela!!! :)) Joj, če bi ti jo lahko ti jo z veseljem! :D
Hvala Mancina!!! :))))
Vse najboljše in najlepše! :) Lepo praznuj!! :*
Hvalaaa! :)) Super je blo!! :))
Happy Birthday!!
i love your blog, following you now!
Vse najboljše&najslajše..veliko nasmejanih,nepozabnih&modno navdihnjenih trenutkov :)
Malce z zamudo, ampak vse najboljše še tukaj (na Twitterju sem ti čestitala na pravi datum :D)! Še veliko oblek, čevljev, torbic, followersov, sreče, ljubezni itd.. Ostani še naprej tako zakon, pa upam, da se kdaj spoznava! :) ;**
Thank you Jennie, appreciate it! :))
Hvala Nina! :)) Upam, da bo res tako. :D
Nuša, hvala!! :)) Sem vidla na Twitterju, hvala ful za lepe želje! :) In ja, bi blo lepo ane? Enkrat bo sigurno prilika, da se bova. ;)
CONGRATS! how funny my bday was the 3th of april and i also turned 20. Now were no longer teenagers hahaha! Hope you had a great day and party.
Malo pozno, ampak vseeno... Vse najboljše in najlepše! :)
Hej Nina! Se opravičujem za zamudo, nisem bila kaj prida računalniku te dni.
No, želim ti, da je to tvoje leto najboljše doslej, želim ti veliko zaupanja vase, želim ti dosti smeha in dobrih zabav, želim ti veliko dobrih DIY-ev, želim ti dosti cekinov in želim ti ljubezni do konca vesolja pa nazaj! <3
Mir in ljubezen!
Thank you!!! :D Hahahaha, yeah it's funny! So cool! :D My day was awesome! :))
Hvala Biba!! :)))
Hvala Anita!! :)) Naj se uresniči čisto vse kar si napisala, še posebej pa zadnji del!! ;)) <3
Hvala vsem! :*
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