Finally - the day has come!! Today I went shopping for clothes after four months! :| And I am so happy! :DDDD I got such amazing stuff, I had a list of what I wanted ATM and I thought that I'm not going to squeeze it all in, because I would probably need more money, but I was more successful than I thought I will be!!! :)) Oh, I feel so good right nooooow!!!
So...let me show you what I got:
Oversized sheer striped top from H&M. :)) |
Baggy leopard or whatever printed harem pants from H&M. :)) |
The pattern. |
Flats from Pittarello. :)) I wanted some flats that I could wear with everything and I love this detail! They look gorgeous! |
Fake Keds from H&M. I wanted these for SO long and now I got them!!!! For 10€!!! MUAHAHAHHAHA!! :D |
I needed a bag badly & I liked a lot of them, but right now I decided to buy this one! :)) It's from New Yorker. |
And the gran finale. I needed a jacket or something, but in a way I didn't want to spend too much money on it and I decided not to buy any, because I needed other summer stuff more. And then I see this AMAZING military jacket in H&M that I was already checking out this winter and it was quite expensive back then, but now it was on sale for - 10€!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And may I add: it was the last one! I would be an idiot not to buy it! :D Buisdfočsdjgšsjgšsjgpgjpdg!!!!! :D:D |
So, my mission completed, my wardrobe/boxes/suitcase fuller, my wallet empty, but the most important and priceless thing - I am happy! :))
P.S. Sorry if the pics are a bit crappy, you'll see everything in the outfits anyway. :)
Temu se reče uspešen šoping! :D
Digging the pants and flats :)) dobr šoping človeka vedno spravi v dobro voljo :D
xoxo, Pepi
uuu, balerinke ga zmagajo!
uhuuuu hude stvari!! vidim da imava isto št noge, torej če te vidim te sezujem in tečem hahah =))
Hahahahaha, hvala punce! :D
Ja, to je biu en zelo uspešen shopping, me je spravu v zelooo dobro voljo! :D
Ja balerinke so res hude, take posebne! :)) Haha, Mancina, upam da ne, ker že tko nimam nič pametnega za obut. :P Hehe, hecam. :)) Hvala vam! <3
Wow I LOVE the pumps, they are thee coolest flats I have ever seen! Such a great buy and I am digging the leopard print pants (it's all about H&M). Aww this haul is great, you are going to be set for summer in no time. Plus well done on not shopping for 4 months! even when I'm broke I buy stuff so bad (I just give up other stuff and buy clothing like my makeup bits). Anyway love what you got, there are some great sales on at the moment. xx
Wow super nakup :) In tele balerinke so popolne!!
Lep dan, Ana
hahahah, ne, ni krema, parfum iz "trave" je :DD tisti balein piling je pa moj all-time favorite, se mi res zdi da res dobro opravi svoj job in sploh ne kupujem drugih :) probaj, sej ni drag :D
btw, soo happy for you da si končno dobila svoj dolgo pričakovani šopinag <3 in ker mamo vedno nekaj istega - šuzice iz H&M-a imam tudi jaz :D haha :D
Oooaa, balerinke so noro dobre!!
Balerinke <3
The flats, the flats, the flats:)!
ma vse mi je všeč! In ja, jes grem pa juteeeeeer! :D
Wuuuuuu, hvalaaaa useeeem!!! :))) <3 Thank you!!
Nuša, haha, of course you have them. xD Bom kupila tisti peeling, če je dobr! :)
In vidim, da balerinke resno zažigajo. :D
Ela, želim ti, da bi tut ti mela tak fajn shopping kot je biu moj. :P
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