
I love you retro.

Will you people resent me if I delay my "Blog Award" post for another few days? :S Sorry, I really really want to do that post and I absolutely will, but I had to study and I will have to do it today as well, won't even go into details, I hate these typical lines. But, as soon as I'll be free and have more time, I'll do it, it's just that I can't put it shortly & I always think about this kind of stuff a lot before posting it, so, I'll do it when I settle my stuff a bit. :D

Today I had an exam, I hope it'll be OK. :) Then I had some money left, like 20€ that I got for my birthday and I decided to make a quick trip to H&M. When I came to the shopping centre I ran into my cousin, pleasant surprise. Then I went to H&M - fuuuuuck! :| They have a ton of new stuff AND they have this thing, it's like a new collection that is actually on sale?! Or something like that...awesome!!!! So I got three pieces for 20€! :P Not baaaad.
Then my grandma came to pick me up and before we went home we went for a drink, because it was so hot outside, I was totally dehydrated. And I saw they have those Coca Cola retro bottles, so I ordered one and I got this awesome vintage looking bottle! So beautiful!! :))

I liked this dress, but I wasn't sure. The rope in between my boobs should be behind my neck. LOL, forgive me, I'm blonde. :D
Beautiful floral print sunnies, will buy them in the future if they'll still have them. :D I bought this romper, but in blue.

That's what I wore, just a casual look today.

I love these mirrors in H&M. :P

Soooo...I bought that beautiful blue romper from the new collection for 10€, I first thought they only had them in beige and grey. Then I bought that straw hat, I wanted it for a while and it was 8€ and then those retro looking sunnies that were on sale for 1€! :D 
And that is my Coca Cola bottle (sorry, lousy pic), it's so gorgeous, I'll put it somewhere in my room, I love retro stuff. 
And the gladiators that I wore with my casual outfit today, I wore gladitators for the first time this year! Yeaaaaah! :P



PLN by M said...

Uuuu, 2. fotka je super!In vidim da ti v modri barvi tut zelo paše :)

Men so pa teli pajaci tko smešni...ne predstavljam si sebe v tem haha :P je pa res da še nisem probala!

Kokakola flaška(sej ne da sm mogla 5x prebrat če sm sploh prou napisala) zmaga!

Unknown said...

Lajkam pajaca, hud je! :D
tisto roza oblekco sm si pa tud jz ogledovala, a se samo meni zdi da je kroj mal čudn?
Lepo se uči naprej :)


rudegirlnina said...

Hvala! :D:D Hahahaha, jst sem si prvega kupla mislim da ene 2 leti nazaj...in so mi ful hudi...probaj! Mogoče ti bojo pa čisto ušeč. ;)
Hahahahaha :D je dobra ne?

Hvala Špela! :D Ja ej, čisto se strinjam! Ful mi je zgledla lepa, ko sem jo pa oblekla je blo vse tko čudno, dolžina, kroj... :S Ne vem, me ni prepričala potem...
:) xoxo

Mancina said...

waaw tvoj outfit s črtasto majčko <3 in ja cocacola flaška je res kjut hihi sm jo tut js dans občudovala =))

Anže said...

Ta prva fotka made my day, hahaha. Sicer je pa ta drugi outfit über cute :)

With love, Ana. said...

Hehehe, mene si tudi nasmejala s 1. fotko :)))) Drugače pa luštn jumpsuit in tudi tvoj outfit je fajni, tak easygoing ;)

rudegirlnina said...

Hvala, Mancina! :D Hahaha, dobre so, res.

Me veseli, Anže. :P Hvala! :))

Hahahahaha. :D Hvala, Ana! Ja tak bol casual, za it na shopping. :P

Hvala vam! :)

shishiwaldorf said...

I love your hair and the outfit with the stripes tee!!


sandra said...

Ok, najprej..ful maš hudo frizuro :) Drugič, tud mene je nasmejala ta prva fotka :) Romper je zakon, sm si podobnega kupla kakšen teden nazaj, samo da je črn :) Morem te pa okregat, ker bom zdej tekla v H&M in zapravla še tisto malo kar imam našparanega :P

CinderellaGirl said...

Vse mi je všeč :)) Res ti paše tale stil :)) špegli so mi pa itak koonc hudi :P

Ela said...

uuu, spet si šopingirala? :D Superca, čis vse mi je všeč, zmaga pa klobuček! :))

Anita Puksic said...

Meni so tudi ta ogledala v H&M-u fajn, da se lepo z vseh strani lahko občudujem :D Al pa zgražam nad celulitom, haha.

V tej črtasti majici in očalah si totalna kulerka!

Steklenička je fina! (:

Mir in ljubezen!

rudegirlnina said...

Oh hvala!!! Thank you all! :))

Spet sem bla malo na shoppingu ja. :D Hahaha, Anita, tut jst ja...se pogosto zgražam nad celulitom, slaba stran teh ogledal. XD Nene, sej so kul. :P HVALA! :))
