
Poodlez and geminiz.

When I'm in a hurry I always take time to make a quick post, but when I have loads of time...no way, why would I even bother? :D Hahahaha, anyways...we're going to Koper RIGHT NOW, because we're getting a dog! We wanted a pet for a while and then this woman told my mum about a poodle that is being treated really bad by this stupid family (leaving it outside for days, not taking care of him properly) and they wanted to give him away, this was in February, but then they changed their mind and my mum was really sad that we won't get him. But her wish came true now, as they called us yesterday and asked if we still want that dog, so now we're going to Koper to pick him up. Her, actually, it's a she. :) Hahaha, I can't believe it. Even though I am more of a cats person and I wanted a cat really badly, so we made a deal to get one anyway, sometime near in the future. But I'm glad we're gonna rescue this little puppy.

Otherwise, we're also going to visit my aunt in Koper, she's celebrating her 32 birthday today. God, is this crazy or what, yesterday my friend Nuša celebrated her birthday, today my aunt, tomorrow my friend Kaja, in the end of the May my mum and some other aunt celebrated their birthdays. Geminizzzzz all over the place!! :D:D I guess September is a fertile month. :P Jokes.

EDIT: I've written this before, but I had to run, so I didn't post it. Well, I'm here with our new dog right now, her name is Minnie. She's six years old already, but she's so cute. :) She's resting in my lap right now. :D OK, I'm posting my OOTD and her picture. Sorry for the shitty quality, but it was kinda dark in the room when I was taking these.

Oh, and this is a newly discovered Slovenian blog, check it out! :)

I am wearing: vintage shirt, H&M lacey black dress, H&M shoes, H&M rings & sunglasses, bag that my mum gave me today.


Joana said...

you look so pretty!


xx J

Chloe Mia said...

Love your bag!

PLN by M said...

kok maš dobre noge!!!ful mi je všeč outfit :) vidim da Minnie tudi nima težav s poziranjem ;)

p.s. še en dvojček se javlja haha...res ne vem kaj je s tem septembrom :P

duckalicious said...

torba zgleda huda. "stupid family", hahaha, zakon :D uživita z Minnie!

Tjaša Kemperle said...

heeey, hvala ker si me dodala v tvoj post** :D res sem happy :D

Mancina said...

waw outfit je supeer! in ful ful lepo da ste vzeli Minnie.. prava lepotička je =)

rudegirlnina said...

Hvala vsem, thank you all!!! :)) <3

Sparkle, joj hvala. *blush* :D Hahaha, ma sej ste kul čene dvojčki, tko da ni panike, če vas je malo preveč. :P

Saša, hvala lepa. :P

Tash, ni zakaj. Kar naj te ljudje najdejo, ker imaš zanimiv blog. :)

Hvala Mancina! :) Ja, grozno luštna je. :D

Eva said...

Cutie dog :) In outfit je tud ful fajn :)
In ja, še en dvojček tuki. :D Haha


nice legs! <3

Ela said...

To ste se pa ful dobro odločli, da ste kupli psa, ki rabi pomoč in ste mu dejansko pomagal. Tega nebi vsak nardil :)
Kar se pa tiče tebe, ful lepe noge maaaaš! Res :0
Pa všeč mi je srajčka in stil nošenja :)

Lep vikend :))

Ana / Fashionfly said...

Tale outfit mi deluje tko mal "angleško" :P mogoče zarad oblekce pa takih nizkih čevljev - love it! In res lepo, da ste posvojil psičko.

Law1sfab said...

Haha how many birthdays !!! That's mental, I am loving this outfit on you I need your legs I swear. That bag is such a great colour, nice for summer. Awww I hope the dog settles in well and you get your cat sweetie xxxxxxx
Have a wicked weekend xxxxx